
Online International Conference on
Computational Harmonic Analysis

September 13-17, 2021

"Embeddings of anisotropic Besov spaces into Sobolev spaces"

Bartusel, David

We are interested in embeddings of the form \(\dot{B}_{p,r}^{\alpha}(A)\hookrightarrow W^{n,q}(\mathbb{R}^d)\) and \(B_{p,r}^{\alpha}(A)\hookrightarrow W^{n,q}(\mathbb{R}^d)\), i.e. to decide whether a given (homogeneous or inhomogeneous) anisotropic Besov space embeds into a given Sobolev space. For this purpose, we employ general embedding results for decomposition spaces, as proved by Voigtlaender.

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