TALKS List of contributed Talks: show abstracts? NO YES (ordered by name) "Community Detection with a Subsampled Semidefinite Program" Abdalla Teixeira, Pedro "Task-Adapted Reconstruction in Computed Tomography: Microlocal Analysis meets Deep Learning" Andrade Loarca, Hector "Homogeneous vector bundles and G-equivariant convolutional neural networks" Aronsson, Jimmy "Dynamical Sampling in Paley-Wiener Spaces of Graphs" Bailey, Victor "Lipschitz Embeddings and Riemannian Properties of Spaces of Low-Rank Symmetric Matrices" Balan, Radu "Representation of Operators Using Fusion Frames" Balazs, Peter "Johnson-Lindenstrauss Embeddings with Kronecker Structure" Bamberger, Stefan "Towards a sharp non-asymptotic theory for structured random matrices" Bandeira, Afonso S. "Pre-asymptotic Optimality of Cross-validation" Bartel, Felix "Embeddings of anisotropic Besov spaces into Sobolev spaces" Bartusel, David "Limits of sparse super-resolution" Batenkov, Dmitry "Super-resolution of sparse measures: recent extensions" Batenkov, Dmitry "Sampling via Modulo Folding: Revisiting the Legacy of Shannon-Nyquist, Prony, Schoenberg, Pisarenko and Radon" Bhandari, Ayush "Cellular automata, many-valued logic, and deep neural networks" Bölcskei, Helmut "A selector form of the Weaver conjecture and the Feichtinger conjecture" Bownik, Marcin "Unrolling versus bilevel optimization in the context of learning variational models" Breustedt, Niklas "Graph signal processing and wavelet packets" Bulai, Iulia Martina "The quest for optimal sampling strategies for learning sparse approximations in high dimensions" Cardenas, Juan "Unsupervised Source Separation with Learned Regularization" Carloni Gertosio, Rémi "Approximating Atomic Measures from Trigonometric Moments" Catala, Paul "Deep Neural Network Approximation of High-Dimensional Hilbert-Valued Functions From Limited Data" Dexter, Nick "Phase retrieval from binary questions about subspace proximity" Domel-White, Dylan "Local Structure and effective Dimensionality of Time Series Data Sets" Dörfler, Monika "Harmonic Grassmannian codes" Fickus, Matthew "A Unified Approach to Uniform Signal Recovery From Non-Linear Observations" Genzel, Martin "Seeing the forest for the trees" Gilbert, Anna "Mathematical Aspects of STFT Phase Retrieval" Grohs, Philipp "A Walk Around the Torus: SFTs in Many Dimensions" Gross, Craig "Convergent SDP-hierarchies for causal optimization" Gross, David "A Generative Variational Model for Inverse Problems in Imaging" Habring, Andreas "Existence and Approximations of Wavelet Uncertainty Minimizers" Halvdansson, Simon "An application of harmonic analysis to the digital humanities" Heinecke, Andreas "Sparse super resolution is Lipschitz continuous" Hockmann, Mathias "On the norm of linear extension operators in smooth function spaces" Israel, Arie "PCA is not dead: Vectorized persistent homology and flag medians" King, Emily "Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms and the fast sinc transform" Kircheis, Melanie "The relation of the synthesis, analysis and frame operators of a fusion frame system" Köhldorfer, Lukas "Spark Deficient Gabor Frames for Inverse Problems" Kouni, Vasiliki "Driving force identification via dynamical sampling" Krishtal, Ilya "Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for Basis Pursuit with Global Linear Convergence Rate" Kümmerle, Christian "A new rotation equivariant neural network architecture for 3D point clouds" Kunsch, Robert J. "Spatio-spectral limiting on powers of three-cycles" Lakey, Joseph "Infinite-dimensional phase retrieval from spectrogram samples" Liehr, Lukas "Hyperbolic Wavelet Regression of periodic high-dimensional functions" Lippert, Laura "Unbiasing Procedures for Scale-invariant Multi-reference Alignment" Little, Anna "Numerical Methods for the Regularized Beckmann Problem" Mahler, Hinrich "Transferability of Graph Neural Networks: An Extended Graphon Analysis" Maskey, Sohir "On connections between Amplitude Flow and Error Reduction for phase retrieval" Melnyk, Oleh "Wavelets on Intervals Derived from Arbitrary Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Multiwavelets" Michelle, Michelle "Measure Estimation in the Barycentric Coding Model: Geometry, Statistics, and Algorithms" Murphy, James "Encoder Blind Combinatorial Compressed Sensing" Murray, Michael "Provably Accurate, Stable and Efficient Deep Neural Networks for Compressive Imaging" Neyra-Nesterenko, Maksym "Linear convergence of a weighted randomized sparse Kaczmarz method" NGOUPEYOU TONDJI, LIONEL "Neural collapse with cross-entropy loss and positive features" Nguyen, Duc Anh "The HRT Conjecture for special configurations" Okoudjou, Kasso "Contractive idempotent Fourier multipliers and Hilbert points in the Hardy space" Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim "High dimensional approximation and applications" Potts, Daniel "Self-similar tile B-splines related bases" Protasov, Vladimir "Fourier interpolation formulas, uniqueness pairs, and energy minimization problems" Radchenko, Danylo "The implicit bias of learning linear neural networks" Rauhut, Holger "Instability of Manifold Reach and a Stable Combinatorial Reach" Rawson, Michael "Near-field Fourier Ptychographic Phase Retrieval from Local Correlation Measurements" Roach, Mark Philip "Universal approximation properties of random neural networks" Salanevich, Palina "Interpretable ANOVA Approximation of High-Dimensional Scattered Data" Schmischke, Michael "Regularity in Besov spaces of parabolic PDEs" Schneider, Cornelia "Analyzing Finite Neural Networks: Can We Trust Neural Tangent Kernel Theory?" Seleznova, Mariia "Classification of Lower Frame and Riesz-Fischer Sequences by Unbounded Operators" Shamsabadi, Mitra "Affine density and von Neumann dimension" Speckbacher, Michael "Edge detection with scale-discretised wavelets on the sphere" Stepaniuk, Tetiana "Randomly Initialized Alternating Minimization: Fast Convergence in Low-Rank Matrix Recovery" Stöger, Dominik "The Separation Capacity of Random Neural Networks" Stollenwerk, Alexander "The Mathematics of Privacy and Synthetic Data" Strohmer, Thomas "Adversarial robustness of sparse local Lipschitz predictors" Sulam, Jeremias "Activation function design for deep networks: linearity and effective initialisation" Tanner, Jared "The uniform sparse FFT" Taubert, Fabian "On the stability of deep convolutional neural networks under irregular or random deformations" Trapasso, S. Ivan "Constructive sparsification of finite frames with application in optimal function recovery" Ullrich, Tino "Generalizations and applications of the Lovász theta number" Vallentin, Frank "Cortical Wavelets for the M/EEG Inverse Problem" Verrier, Clément "Exponential bases for partitions of intervals" Walnut, David "Sampling rates for l1-synthesis" Weiss, Pierre "Linear convergence of a Sparse Randomized Extended Kaczmarz method" Winkler, Maximilian "Control and Machine Learning" Zuazua, Enrique