VSM workshop

A PhD in mathematics – career
possibilities & gender aspects.

1st, June 2021

"Some new results on a very (very) classical fluid-structure interaction problem"

About Ulisse Stefanelli:

Ulisse Stefanelli is an applied analyst, active at the interface between calculus of variations, partial differential equations, and materials science. He is interested in problems from mechanics at all scales, from molecules to macroscopic systems, and possibly taking into account multiphysics effects. The focus is on mathematically modeling the complex response of solids and fluids in order to explain observations and predict behaviors. His tools are mostly theoretical, ranging from functional and variational analytic techniques, to evolution and stochastic equations, to approximations.

Talk abstract:
The equilibrium of partially immersed bodies is a classical problem in mechanics and has attracted very early attention. Indeed, the basic observation in this context has to be traced back more than two millennia to the work of Archimedes, who formulated his celebrated buoyancy principle. Despite its relevance in application, mathematical results on this problem are rather scant and mostly focusing on the rigid case. I will present some first results in the elastic case instead. This is joint work with Manuel Friedrich (Münster) and Martin Kruzik (Prague), arXiv:2003.02358.

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