VSM workshop

A PhD in mathematics – career
possibilities & gender aspects.

1st, June 2021

About Annalisa Iuorio:

Annalisa is a postodoctoral researcher (Hertha Firnberg fellow) at the University of Vienna. She uses dynamical systems and PDEs to investigate problems arising in different areas of applications, with a particular focus on ecology. She strongly believes that, while potentially challenging, a constant dialogue with experts from the applied field provides fundamental guidance and makes research more exciting; therefore, she constantly looks for projects with a strong interdisciplinary nature. Currently, she is working on mathematical models which can help us to understand the leading biological mechanisms behind the formation of patterns in nature, e.g. in vegetation and fungi.

Talk abstract:
In my talk, I will present a reaction-diffusion-ODE model which I constructed in 2014 with an interdisciplinary team at the University of Naples Federico II. This system aimed to investigate the influence of so-called "toxicity" on the formation of vegetation patterns. While revealing extremely interesting features ecologically/numerically, it left us with several open questions from the analytical viewpoint. Thanks to the techniques I have had the opportunity to learn during my PhD, in collaboration with a colleague I have met during a research stay in Edinburgh, I have been able to tackle these open questions, providing results which can be useful for other systems of reaction-diffusion equations coupled to ODEs.

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