
Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution

July 15-18, 2024

"Higher-order interactions and digraph generalisations"

Iskrzyński, Mateusz

Graphs succeeded as models of pairwise interactions, explaining many fundamental properties of trophic or mutualistic networks. However, non-pairwise (higher-order) interactions are known to exist and to have an important influence on e.g. stability of the underlying dynamical system. Hypergraphs in which edges contain an arbitrary subset of vertices were proposed as network models able to include such phenomena. However, their application to interaction modifications loses the information about roles of individual vertices. We show how to extend the notion of hypergraphs to consistently map arbitrarily complex higher-order interactions. We discuss their impact in a model of a real-world coffee agroecosystem. This framework enables a consistent representation of interdependencies between various layers of ecological interactions, offering thus a further refinement to multilayer/multiplex networks.

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