Registration Fee
The registration fee will be 165 euros (80 euros for students). The fee includes the conference dinner at BIFEB on Monday 10th June.
For bank details see below.NOTICE: Do not pay the fee until your registration has been accepted!
Grant Application
The Strobl conference is organized by ourselves as researchers, on our own risk and is financed via the registration fees. Please understand that the Strobl 24 organization does not provide any grants.
We will do our best to support young researchers, in particular those from undeveloped countries or unusual careers. We will waive the the registration fee for of up to five participants.
If you are a young researcher and are interested, please send us an application, including the title, abstract, a related preprint and a short explanatory statement. Please submit your application before March 30, 2024 to geraldine.ramphal(at)
Talks / Posters
The organizers consider poster sessions to be a very valuable part of this conference. We will again have two of them and will again reserve a significant amount of time to allow thorough discussion. We object the viewpoint that talks are more valuable than poster and specifically ask experienced researchers to register for a poster.If you wish to give a poster presentation, please specify a title and an abstract in Talks / Posters.
Please note that you have to be registered before you can submit your abstract!
Length of general talks: 25 minutes including discussion
Poster format: ideally is A0 upright. The conference room is not equipped with a blackboard. At the conference location there are two copy machines that can be operated with the room key (location "Bürglhaus" and "Seehaus"). Options are black and white in the sizes A4 or A3. Copy costs are charged to your room.Accommodation
We encourage all participants to travel to the venue on Sunday 9th and depart on Saturday 15h June. The scientific program will take place from Monday to Friday.It is planned, that all participants will be accommodated at the conference center "BIFEB" (Bundesinstitut fuer Erwachsenenbildung). There are single rooms and double rooms. (We would appreciate information about room sharing).
Please arrange for your room reservation at BIFEB after you have been assigned a room at BIFEB. Particpants at BIFEB will be charged for at least five days.
The room assignment can only be done after we have received the registration fee. For the room allocation participants who stay at least from Sunday to Saturday will be prioritized. Invited speakers will also get a room at BIFEB. Apart from that room allocation will be done on a first come, first serve basis. There is also alternative accommodation available in nearby Strobl.
Please note that there is no contact with other hotels, so please be aware of related scam.
-Sunday 9th June: 3pm - 6pm (the keys will be deposited if you arrive later than 6pm please inform the organisation team
-Monday-Friday: 7:30am - 3:30pm
-Saturday 15th June: 7:30am - 9.00am, latest check-out is 9:00am (those departing on Saturday can already pay on Friday.)
Lunch and Dinner at BIFEB
Lunch and dinner are served during the conference. The BIFEB charges these meals to the participants (apart from the Gala Dinner). All conference participants are automatically signed up to these meals.If you wish to opt out of a meal, please inform the BIFEB reception by Monday 10th June before 9am. Information about the meals:
Payment of Registration Fee
Do not pay the fee until your registration has been accepted!The conference registration fee and the fee for the bus transfer (only payable if you have signed up for that service during your registration) are payable to following account.
To locate your payment please include the "Reference": Registration fee
Euro 165.00 Registration fee - fee includes conference dinner on Monday 10th June
Euro 80.00 Registration fee for students - fee includes conference dinner on Monday 10th June Bus transfer fee
Euro 35.00: bus transfer one way Vienna - Strobl OR Strobl - Vienna (see travel page for details)
Euro 70.00: bus transfer Vienna - Strobl - Vienna (see travel page for details) Bank account details
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Bank address: Rothschildplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Account holder: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Account number: 00262650519
IBAN: AT541100000262650519
Routing: 11000
Reference: OOEAW009455/Name+Firstname
The deadline for payment of the registration fee (and bus fee if applicable) is April 15th 2024.