First Edition

Recent advances in
Gradient Flows,
Kinetic Theory, and
Reaction-Diffusion Equations

13-16 July 2021

New date

The workshop will take place from the 13th to the 16th of July, from 9:00 to 12:30 (GMT+2)

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The study of gradient flows (GF), kinetic models for reactive gases (KM), as well as reaction-diffusion systems (RDS) have experienced dramatic progress recently. These research topics are complementary, yet overlapping, and there have been more and more works showing their close connections. For instance, the study diffusive limit for kinetics systems of reactive gases gives a derivation of RDS with mass action kinetics; or the global well-posedness of a large class of RDS becomes feasible thanks to formal GF structures constructed for those systems. The same theory of generalised gradient flows structures found applications in many discrete models satisfying detailed-balance conditions, including chemical reactions systems, such as the chemical master equation, the chemical Langevin dynamics, and the reaction-rate equation. Therefore, it is only natural to bring together experts in these respective fields to discuss recent advances as well as to strengthen the existing connections, and this is the main aim of the workshop. This workshop is also a good opportunity for young researchers to expand their potential and to build up possible future collaboration.


Founding Organizer

The Workshop Recent advances in Gradient flows, kinetic theory, and reaction-diffusion equations is organized with partial support of the SFB 65 Project Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems and from the Doctoral Program (DK) Dissipation and Dispersion in Nonlinear PDEs (both programs are financed through grants by the Austrian Science Fund - FWF), from the Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM), and from the Institute of Science and Technology - IST Austria.