First Edition

Recent advances in
Gradient Flows,
Kinetic Theory, and
Reaction-Diffusion Equations

13-16 July 2021

"Analysis of systems with small cross-diffusion"

Alasio, Luca

I will discuss well-posedness results for systems of degenerate-parabolic PDEs with cross-diffusion, transport and nonlocal interaction terms. The macroscopic system of PDEs is formally derived from a large particle system and models the evolution of an arbitrary number of species with quadratic porous-medium interactions in a bounded domain $\Omega$ in any spatial dimension. The cross interactions between different species are scaled by a parameter $\delta<1$, with the $\delta= 0$ case corresponding to no interactions across species. A smallness condition on $\delta$ ensures existence of solutions up to an arbitrary time $T>0$ in a subspace of $L^2(0,T;H^1(\Omega))$. This is shown via a Schauder fixed point argument for a regularised system combined with a vanishing diffusivity approach. The behaviour of solutions for extreme values of $\delta$ is studied numerically. This is joint work with M. Bruna, S. Fagioli, S. Schulz.

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