
36th Summer Topology Conference

July 18-22, 2022

University of Vienna, Department of Mathematics
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

"De Rham cohomology of the weak stable foliation of the geodesic flow of a hyperbolic surface"

Maruhashi, Hirokazu

The de Rham cohomology of a foliation is defined in the same way as the de Rham cohomology of a manifold, except that the tangent bundle of a manifold is replaced with the tangent bundle of a foliation. In this talk we explain the computation of the de Rham cohomology of the weak stable foliation of the geodesic flow of a hyperbolic surface by giving certain 2-step Hodge decomposition. This talk is based on a joint work with Mitsunobu Tsutaya.

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