- List of accepted talks
- Program (overview)
- Schedule
- Program (conference booklet with entire schedule + abstracts)
- Recorded lectures and slides (this requires your access code)
- Map of Building
Plenary Speakers
- Saharon Shelah (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Phil Boyland (Gainesville)
Mary Ellen Rudin Award Winner 2021
- Jeffrey Bergfalk (Vienna)
Semiplenary Speakers
- Leandro Aurichi (Sao Paulo)
- Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (Münster/Wroclaw)
- Sebastian Hensel (Munich)
- Sam Nariman (Purdue University)
- Grzegorz Plebanek (Wroclaw)
- Lorenzo Sadun (Austin TX)
- Xiangdong Ye (Hefei University)