
Applied Harmonic Analysis and Friends

June 19th - 25th 2022


"On the Coupled Fractional Fourier Transform and its Extensions"

Zayed, Ahmed

The Fourier transform, which has ubiquitous applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering, has been studied extensively for over a century. In 1980 a fractional version of the Fourier transform was introduced but did not received much attention until the early 1990s when it was found to have numerous applications in optics and time-frequency representation. The fractional Fourier transform, denoted by $F_\theta ,$ depends on a parameter $0\leq \theta \leq \pi/2,$ so that when $\theta=0,$ $F_0$ is the identity transformation and when $\theta=\pi/2,$ $F_{\pi/2}$ is the standard Fourier transform. In this talk we discuss a novel generalization of the fractional Fourier transform to two dimensions, which is called the coupled fractional Fourier transform and is denoted by $F_{\alpha, \beta}.$ This transform depends on two independent angles $\alpha$ and $\beta,$ with $ 0\leq \alpha, \beta \leq \pi/2,$ so that $F_{0,0}$ is the identity transformation and $F_{\pi/2, \pi/2},$ is the two-dimensional Fourier transform. For other values of $\alpha$ and $\beta ,$ we obtain other interesting configurations of the transform. One immediate application of this transform is in time-frequency representation because of its close relationship to the Wigner distribution function. After a brief introduction to the coupled fractional Fourier transform, we shall discuss some of its properties and extensions to different functions spaces.

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